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domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013

Body Language: What You Need To Know AudioBook

Body Language: What You Need To Know by David Cohen

Met my expectations in that the book offered practical advice regarding body language, how to engage it more effectively, and basically be more aware. My "buy in" for this was to present myself better. Points raised here also will also help me to read the language of others better.Rating 3-out-of-5 stars given comments by other reviewers that found the points here to be "common sense."Incidentally, I was reading Barbara McAfee's "Full Voice: The Art And Practice of Vocal Presence" concurrently w...more

GoodReads: 2.95 of 5 stars - 20 ratings

Book Version: 148 pages

ISBN: 1847090036 (ISBN13: 9781847090034)

Body Language: What You Need To Know

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