Hall of Fame

sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013

Growing & Managing a Business: 25 Keys to Building Your Company AudioBook

Growing & Managing a Business: 25 Keys to Building Your Company by Kathleen R. Allen

Learn the 25 keys in managing the growth of a business, including identifying the company's competitive advantage, implementing a total-quality strategy, hiring a professional management team and creating a visionary growth-oriented corporate culture: Key 1. Prepare yourself and your company for growth. Key 2. Be aware of the factors that affect your company's ability to g...more

GoodReads: 2.8 of 5 stars - 5 ratings

Book Version: 0 pages

ISBN: 1885408994 (ISBN13: 9781885408990)

Growing & Managing a Business: 25 Keys to Building Your Company

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