Hall of Fame

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013

Living Health: The Lifestyle of Vibrant Health and Energy AudioBook

Living Health: The Lifestyle of Vibrant Health and Energy by Anthony Robbins

The enthusiasm for health in this audio program motivated me to actually make some changes in my lifestyle and enjoy a level of vitality that eventually helped me to perform as a Jim Carrey impersonator (which took a LOT of energy.) Unfortunately, there are some outdated and exaggerated statements in this program. I hope that the newer versions are updated. However, I have found myself more interested in reading other works that go into more detail and include more research and support for these...more

GoodReads: 3.5 of 5 stars - 2 ratings

Book Version:

ISBN: (ISBN13: )

Anthony Robbins - Living Health - Audiobook

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