Hall of Fame

quarta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2013

Shark Tank Audiobook

Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business: How to Launch and Grow a Business from Concept to Cash by Michael Parrish DuDell

Thanks to dealnews I found out that the Shark Tank Audiobook is currently Free at Audible.

I personally like the ABC tvshow Shark Tank so this Audiobook goes to my "to-listen-list". The book looks at what it takes to start a small bussiness and what checkboxes need to be ticked in order to maximize the odds of succeding. Hearing the sample there was one thing that immediately stood out to me "estimate the time it will take for each task and double that". Creating something is always much more work than we anticipate so making sure the idea is actually good before starting the process is a must.
Also, besides the steps needed to build a profitable show the Audiobook also has a section addressing the fans' curiosity about past show contestants and 10 "Where Are They Now" boxes with some of the most asked-about and/or most popular guests ever to try their luck in front of the Sharks-and what they learned in the process.

Published: 2013
Paperback: 284 pages
ISBN: 1401312926 (ISBN13: 9781401312923)

Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business Full Audiobook Free at Audible

Shark Tank Jump Start Your Business: How to Launch and Grow a Business from Concept to Cash Free Audiobook Download - http://uploaded.net/file/n7j5fj22/1401312926.rar

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