Hall of Fame

terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

The Many-Colored Land AudioBook

The Many-Colored Land by Julian May

When a one-way time tunnel to Earth's distant past, specifically six million B.C., was discovered by folks on the Galactic Milieu, every misfit for light-years around hurried to pass through it. Each sought his own brand of happiness. But none could have guessed what awaited them. Not even in a million years....THE SAGA OF PLIOCENE EXILEVolume I: THE MANY-COLORED LANDVolum...more

GoodReads: 4.05 of 5 stars - 4,983 ratings

Book Version: 433 pages

ISBN: 345309898 (ISBN13: 9780345309891)

The Many-Colored Land Free Audiobook Download - http://asfile.com/file/Xrv5NJi/97_-_The_Many-Colored_Land_-_Julian_May_-_1981.rar.html

The Many-Colored Land

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