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sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

The Miracle of Self-Discipline AudioBook

The Miracle of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy

Let me aware you that this is an audio book. I've been listening to it everyday and while it is not exactly super interesting like, say, a very good novel, but it drew my attention long enough that I went through the whole audio book. How did it draw my attention? Well, for a start, I found the author Brian Tracy first through his book Eat That Frog, a much shorter book that deals largely on the same subject, this book I've highly recommended here. The Miracle of Self-Discipline revolves around...more

GoodReads: 3.83 of 5 stars - 133 ratings

Book Version: 36 pages

ISBN: 1908364041 (ISBN13: )

Miracle Of Self Discipline Full Audiobook (Unabridged)

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