Hall of Fame

sábado, 16 de novembro de 2013

The Science Of Self-Confidence AudioBook

The Science Of Self-Confidence by Brian Tracy

Though I'm a fan of Brian Tracy, I haven't like this 6 CDs program that much. And the reason for this because I have already read No Excuses! and Eat that Frog, which are both great and way better. So why I didn't like this one?!Because it's a random talk, from various other of his programs. His other programs probably were built by elaborating on each of this talks in those 6 CDs. The program is supposed to be about "the science of self confidence", but it seems that Tracy gathered various topi...more

GoodReads: 3.69 of 5 stars - 58 ratings

Book Version:

ISBN: (ISBN13: )

The Science Of Self-Confidence Full Audiobook Playlist

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