Hall of Fame

terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013

The Time Of Your Life AudioBook

The Time Of Your Life by Anthony Robbins

(audio (10x1,5h) + pdf workbook) It was difficult to put up with the long-winding, 45-minute blocks of rambling cheerfulness, but the content is valid. The core: 1) Focus on the outcome you want, and you will start seeing many ways to get there. 2) Make sure you pay attention to all categories of life to maintain balance. 3) Take time for the things that are truly important. Some passages were actually enlightening, like the anecdote about a general who made a decision that no engineers and mili...more

GoodReads: 4.36 of 5 stars - 42 ratings

Book Version:

ISBN: 999001454X (ISBN13: 9789990014549)

Anthony Robbins - Time of Your Life - Audiobook

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