Hall of Fame

domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013

The Woman Who Rides Like a Man AudioBook

The Woman Who Rides Like a Man (Song of the Lioness, #3) by Tamora Pierce

"Let her prove herself worthy as a man." Newly knighted, Alanna of Trebond seeks adventure in the vast desert of Tortall. Captured by fierce desert dwellers, she is forced to prove herself in a duel to the death -- either she will be killed or she will be inducted into the tribe. Although she triumphs, dire challenges lie ahead. As her mythic fate would have it, Alanna so...more

GoodReads: 4.18 of 5 stars - 33,191 ratings

Book Version: 284 pages

ISBN: 689878583 (ISBN13: 9780689878589)

The Woman Who Rides Like A Man

You might want to check our post:

Song of Lioness Audiobooks

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