Hall of Fame

quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2014

Take the Risk AudioBook

Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk by Ben Carson

No risk, pay the cost.Know risk, reap the rewards.In our risk-avoidance culture, we place a high premium on safety. We insure our vacations. We check crash tests on cars. We extend the warranties on our appliances. But by insulating ourselves from the unknown---the risks of life---we miss the great adventure of living our lives to their full potential.Ben Carson spent his...more

GoodReads: 4.07 of 5 stars - 407 ratings

Book Version: 237 pages

ISBN: 310259738 (ISBN13: 9780310259732)

Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk read by Ben Carson Free Audiobook Download

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