quinta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2013

Malcolm Gladwell Audiobooks

     Malcolm Gladwell has a very clever approach to his writing. First of all you can feel his curious mind. There is a sense of purpose with his work. Is something interesting? Why? Is there any research that explains that interesting fact? Are there more stories supported by the same research? You can definitely see that there are hours of analysis before one word is written. And at the same time the final product is simple, looks effortless, as great literature should.
     It's not for nothing that when someone needs a fresh approach to something, there is the expression "Malcolm Gladwell Approach".
     In my opinion listening to Malcolm Gladwell Audiobooks is a privilege because they are read by Malcolm himself. I personally like them very much. Malcolm brings the apages to life and gives them the feeling of a very good college palestra. There are a lot of good stories and a lot of interesting research that will make you pause and think for a second... or two... or more... you will see.

Malcolm Gladwell Audiobooks

The Tipping Point



What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures

David and Goliath

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